The “Pomladni Veter” award goes to Ivo Boscarol this time
22. 03. 2023
Every year, the Podjetniško-trgovska Zbornica Slovenije (The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, CCIS) awards the “Pomladni veter” prize (»Spring wind«) to an institution, organisation, company, individual or other public and private law entities (chambers, associations, business incubators, technology parks, clusters, public agencies, local communities, etc.) which have contributed the most to the development and promotion of entrepreneurship and a healthy business environment in Slovenia, in the opinion of CCIS members and associations, sections and chambers within the CCIS.
The recipient of this year’s Pomladni Veter award is Ivo Boscarol. He received the award from the CCIS President of the Board of Directors, Mr. Brane Lotrič, at the 10th international SME conference in the Congress Center Brdo pri Kranju on March 22, 2023.

The Spring Wind Award is the oldest recognition of its kind in Slovenia and is also referred to by some sources as the “economic Oscar”. It was first awarded in 1969. The recipients are mainly businessmen who generate surpluses in a sustainable way, have a long-standing track record of excellent results in domestic and global markets, have an innovative business philosophy and have achieved breakthroughs in their market niches.
Including this year’s winners, almost 400 businessmen and women have received the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Slovenia Award so far.